Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Never Give Up: Stand Up For Love

Lagu ini...
Menjadi lagu latar perjalanan Seorang Kecambah menjadi Sesosok Pohon Kapas
Menjadi melodi pengiring transformasi dari no one menjadi someone

Lagu ini...
mampu menginspirasi,
saat teguran, peringatan, ujian, cobaan, yang mencoba menggoncang, menekan, menghimpit diri.

Lagu ini...
mampu mengingatmu tentang sesuatu,
bahwasanya semua itu merupakan tiupan angin kehidupan yang sesungguhnya diciptakan Allah SWT,
untuk mendidik Kecambah untuk terus hidup, tumbuh dan berkembang kuat,
dengan kekuatan cinta dan cita, karena mengharap cinta-Nya, cinta Allah SWT.

Stand up for life
Stand up for love


"Stand Up For Love"

There are times I find it hard to sleep at night
We are living through such troubled times
And every child that reaches out for someone to hold
For one moment they become my own

And how can I pretend that I don’t know what’s going on?
When every second of every minute another soul is gone

And I believe that in my life I will see
An end to hopelessness
Of giving up
Of suffering

Then we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
And stand up for life
Stand up and hear me sing
Stand up for love

I'm inspired and hopeful each and everyday
That's how I know that things are gonna change

So how can I pretend that I don’t know what’s going on?
When every second of every minute
Another soul is gone

And I believe that in my life I will see
An end to hopelessness
Of giving up
Of suffering

If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up for love

And it all starts right here
And it starts right now
One person stand up
And the rest will follow
For all the forgotten
For all the unloved
I'm gonna sing this song

And I believe that in my life I will see
An end to hopelessness
Of giving up
Of suffering

If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and sing
Stand up for love
For love
For love

2 komentar:

  1. asslamu'alaykum,,
    selamat datang bund,,h0h0
    makasih uda mampir d blog ega,,=)

  2. wa'alaikumussalam...

    iya, sama-sama, nak..

    Ayo, ksh masukan!
